
Showing posts from November, 2020

Serenading women

 Guitar is a skill i think everyone thinks to master. The problem is it being a skill, it takes time to master. Any time consuming task is a challenge these days because we're so used to getting most of what we need at a moments notice. As convenient as it is it has led people to feel that way about everything. Life would be uninteresting without that struggle. In life i think people should be more aware of things that take time before dismissing them too quickly. A study has shown that 2 months is what the average person allows themselves to learn a new skill but many seeing as 2 months of work does not lead to anything worthwhile, they quit. Understandable yet foolish. Skills should be thought of as long term projects. Give yourself a year or 6 months at least to get the hang of it and learn the ropes. Continuous practice will definitely be a challenge without noticeable progress but having a longer time frame such as 6 months, the chance for discouragement after 2 months might n

My first time baking a cake

 I baked a cake for the first time and it's not that tough. My view on baking forever was mostly like if you have the needed equipment and the ingredients, how hard can it really be, and it still holds up for me. I'm sure many experienced bakers or chefs can disagree wholeheartedly with me because they would argue your touch and art makes a difference. I can see that but as i said i have zero experience with cooking except for the one cake i baked like a week ago and that may be something i have to figure out. The reason i'm somewhat documenting it is i know i'm going to forget how to do it later on and rereading this can refresh my memory. I'm also writing for anyone who has never baked a cake before and thinks its a hard task. It's not really if you have the right guidance. I was guided by my sister (who would strangle me if I left her out of the post even though she has no idea this blog exists) but be it youtube tutorial or random blog post you come across,

A message to an aspiring writer

I recently came across a very interesting podcast named "Not Overthinking" by Ali Abdaal and Taimur Abdaal. Ali has a very interesting Youtube channel as well which you can find under the name Ali Abdaal. His channel is mostly based on productivity and getting things done which if sounds like something you'd be interested in definitely check it out. If you're a student you'll find his earlier content extremely useful as he talks about the effective ways of studying which truly shocked me the first time i came across it.  Their 81st weekly podcast episode is what particularly spoke to me which was titled "Austin Kleon on writing, creativity and the importance of idleness". The episode is 2 hours and 3 minutes and i will leave a link for anyone interested in checking it out. Austin Kleon is a New York times bestselling author of five books, Show your work, Keep going, Stea

Day 6

 Being a complete wasteman continues. The beauty of isolation is you have time. Time you can definitely use to better yourself. Now after two days of basically complete isolation, it feels like i should do something now.  The Da vinci code is genius. Stranger things is pretty awesome too. Consuming content mindlessly doesn't really make for a good blog though. Hopefully tomorrow i have a better one. <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//

Day 5

 I think I'm mastering the art of doing nothing. Stranger things still has me terrified and OMG i did not see that coming in the Da Vinci code like WHAT?! That revelation was stupidly good and Dan Brown is a genius. I've been thinking of writing a book (I kind of have since i was like 12) but now being in my room basically in isolation, i feel inspiration and my imagination running wild. I might just.

Quarantine day 4

 I stayed up all night. My phone isn’t working and that definitely has be bummed out. Woke up around noon. Anyone else get the drowsy unproductive feels when you get up in the afternoon. I usually get up not exactly extra early but also not extra late so its a change when this happens. Either way i was feeling a complete wasteman (as Ali Abdaal would say) so i turned to watch things. More specifically stranger things😏. It’s really good i’ve watched 6 episodes in season 1 already. The CoVid 19 situation in Sri Lanka has me a bit rattled so i thought i’d better stay home for a while. Stranger things had me pretty terrified but thats all horror movies and creepy scenes with me so i don’t think thats saying much. My iphone 7 makes a ticking sound when i plug it into charge so thats probably not good. Hope to get it fixed soon. My duolingo streak of 13 days definitely suffered from it. If i didnt mention before i am learning french using the app Duolingo. It is a free app and you can learn

A Tiring Day

 We had a plan to go to Rangala today. Even though Covid 19 is in a bad condition here being stuck at home forever definitely had everyone motivated to go somewhere. Rangala is an area with a couple natural pools made by the Mahaweli river in the Digana area in Kandy. It was my first time there but the experience was extreme. It was so much fun to swim around in extremely cold water. It started to rain hard just as we got dressed and headed to our vehicles. We had tea at a friends house and came back to my place having ordered pizza. Everyone still being little kids who live with their parents even when they’re 20 because “moving out” isn’t technically a thing here, had to leave almost instantly because problems with their parents is something you do not want to go home and walk into. Speaking of which if this works out i’m getting a car because i do not like pleading for my parents vehicles. So whoever is reading this, ummmmm keep reading i guess. Please and thank you (heart emoji). 

Day 2

 A reasonably carried out day I feel. I didn’t get to my calisthenics that I meant to get to because I was busy socializing online and watching videos of people doing calisthenics on YouTube and you’d be suprised to hear that that doesn’t actually contribute to getting your own body in shape. Nevertheless I listened to Jay Shettys famous podcast “On purpose” with special guest Liza Koshy. She is truly an inspirational and admirable character. If you haven’t listened to it I’d highly recommend getting an insight into Liza Koshys mind. Kevin Harts special “Zero f**ks given” aired today the 17th of November at midnight. I had to keep track of Los Angeles midnight time to watch it just as it went out because I live in Sri Lanka but it was definitely worth it. It was my first time watching a special and I had to borrow my friends Netflix account for that but it turned out great. Thanks to HD video quality on Netflix and something that’s definitely wrong with my internet service provider, th

Jobless 20 year old

 A blog seemed a good idea. Having finished exams I’ve found myself with a lot of free time and not able to do the majority of stuff I planned because of CoVid-19. But I’ve applied myself elsewhere to exercise at home, read more and listen to podcasts and such to not be a complete wasteman. I recently discovered calisthenics and plan to put that into action starting tomorrow. If you don’t know what calisthenics is it’s a form of exercise with various movements that basically work out a lot of your body at once. My friend turned me onto it and it seemed interesting enough to try put into action. I am reading The Da Vinci code by Dan Brown these days and yes I know I’m extremely late to the game but to the handful of people (if there is any) who haven’t read it I highly recommend as would everyone I think. I also discovered a very popular podcast called “My first million” which is hosted by Shaan Puri who interviews successful entrepreneurs and gives their insights into money and busines