Jobless 20 year old

 A blog seemed a good idea. Having finished exams I’ve found myself with a lot of free time and not able to do the majority of stuff I planned because of CoVid-19. But I’ve applied myself elsewhere to exercise at home, read more and listen to podcasts and such to not be a complete wasteman. I recently discovered calisthenics and plan to put that into action starting tomorrow. If you don’t know what calisthenics is it’s a form of exercise with various movements that basically work out a lot of your body at once. My friend turned me onto it and it seemed interesting enough to try put into action. I am reading The Da Vinci code by Dan Brown these days and yes I know I’m extremely late to the game but to the handful of people (if there is any) who haven’t read it I highly recommend as would everyone I think. I also discovered a very popular podcast called “My first million” which is hosted by Shaan Puri who interviews successful entrepreneurs and gives their insights into money and business and of course, they’re first million. It has very useful tips and gives you a decent idea of what it takes and what you can do in order to make money and become a successful business figure. If anyone is interested I highly recommend. I plan to keep the blog as authentic as I can with my own experience and things I find inspirational to share here. A daily blog update seems a stretch but as a firm beleiver in the power of consistentcy I shall do my best. 


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