Serenading women

 Guitar is a skill i think everyone thinks to master. The problem is it being a skill, it takes time to master. Any time consuming task is a challenge these days because we're so used to getting most of what we need at a moments notice. As convenient as it is it has led people to feel that way about everything. Life would be uninteresting without that struggle.

In life i think people should be more aware of things that take time before dismissing them too quickly. A study has shown that 2 months is what the average person allows themselves to learn a new skill but many seeing as 2 months of work does not lead to anything worthwhile, they quit. Understandable yet foolish. Skills should be thought of as long term projects. Give yourself a year or 6 months at least to get the hang of it and learn the ropes. Continuous practice will definitely be a challenge without noticeable progress but having a longer time frame such as 6 months, the chance for discouragement after 2 months might not be detrimental. Skills can be learnt by anyone and thats the beauty of it. One day you cant even play a C chord but in a year you're playing songs at an advanced level. The struggle is very real but if it's something you care for, you won't be disappointed in the end.

Guitars are fairly costly i'm sure but the lessons to learn how to play would not cost you a penny if you're motivated to stay on track. I personally went for a tutored class for the basics until CoVid-19 put a stop to that. We were playing chord progressions at the time which i found really boring to keep playing every day. There were weeks i wouldn't even touch the guitar just because practicing a chord progression over and over didn't enthuse me. Instead what i did was i found the most basic song out there for me to practice. The whole point of picking up the guitar is to learn to play songs, even if i'm not at the level, learning a song by playing it over and over certainly can't hurt. It's quite the opposite actually, it's helpful. I'm more motivated than before to pick my guitar up and play. The song i chose is Marry you by Bruno Mars. It's really simple with only 3 chords. A capo placed on the third fret. I googled easiest beginner songs to play on a guitar and was met with a list that suggested 50. That's how i found Marry you by Bruno Mars. They also had tips on how to read a guitar chord chart and how to use a capo which i found really helpful. Then i googled the song chords because the earlier site only showed the placement of the capo and the chords required and not much else. I found this website which showed me much of what i needed to know. Being a beginner it was still pretty greek to me and what better way to learn than YouTube. I came across "Andy guitar" which was his channel name and it was pretty straightforward and easy to follow. I was strumming away in no time. 

Thing is it's still another chord progression but trying to sing as you play (which turned out to be pretty hard) and having that satisfaction of knowing you'll be able to play an actual song changes things for me. It also keeps you coming back because you are looking to perfect that one song. At least that's what i've come to know. Free education is very much in abundance for the person willing to keep to it.


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