The inevitability of change

Change. The inevitable. An uncontrollable aspect of life that everyone is forced to deal with. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or social. Every second of every day for a lifetime. As Penny says, "the only thing that stays the same is the fact that everything changes". Be it friends, your thoughts, beliefs, nothing stays the same. But if you really think about it, nothing can.  

As humans it is quite normal to resist change. Being creatures of habit, we tend to like things the way they are to stay how they are. But the sheer force that is just out of our control can be a frustrating and frightening encounter filled with anger and anxiety. But acceptance, is something new i came across recently. I think we've all accepted change as inescapable and yet it is not easy. But the ability to understand change as it happens and the power to embrace it can be fearful but powerful. As Socrates famously said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but building the new", and that saying sinks in deep.

I've lost touch with some friends, i've gained others. I'm not schooling anymore and being in my 20's means i finally have to decide on where i want to take my life. One of the biggest turning points in my life probably. But the simple fact I've understood is nothing will ever be the way they were and you have to let go at some point. Let the memories live but try not to try relive the days. I find myself constantly sticking to it, the past. As tough as it is to let go, it might be necessary. Not to mention that, that is the inevitability of change in action. The inescapable truth we all have to deal with because embracing the change is simply an aspect of life.   


Change is a good thing, it really is. It means we are alive and moving forward. Age brings wisdom and we make more informed choices, we can be proactive. We shouldn’t want to be stagnant, set in our ways. Change means learning, growing and both are very much plus points.

Like any habit, embracing change doesn’t happen overnight. The trick is learning that change is a process, not an event. Learning to live through it and to embrace the very nature and essence of it.


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